This is another Tasca M4A1 that I have been working on. My first attempt at this one failed, so I started over with it. I am going to model the famous “battling Bitch” as seen on the cover of Squadron’s Sherman in Action book. I will be using Archers dry transfers for this one as I am the one who did the research for the Archer set.
Here are a couple of shot of where I am at at the moment. I will need to refine some filler work, smooth out the cast texture a little more, and maybe refine some of the weld beads around the appliqué armor.
A little progress on this one while I wait for the flat coat to cure on my other M4A1 project.
Looking at the picture of “BB” you can see some foundry marks on the differential housing. You can also see a faint shadow of a foundry mark on the upper right corner of the gun shield.
I went online and found some good examples from reference photos of casting marks in the same location as those shown on this M4A1.
I used Archer Transfers AR88007 Casting symbols (Foundry Marks) and was able to make up all the markings that matched the reference photos.
Here is a shot of the plain differential.
A partial marking applied with some other numbers laid out.